a better place
that wows
Knork has strategically designed modern flatware for how we naturally eat. Smarter better dining. We (Knork) have been making unique, patented, ergonomic, and smart stainless steel utensils for customers for years. Knork, a brand with modern innovative products, unique design, and practical function. Designed for how you naturally eat. This utilitarian + edgy, up and coming, boutique line of flatware is patented and differentiated from any other flatware brands on the market, and the proof is in the use. It looks similar to regular flatware but works in a way you can’t imagine. NEWLY launched Knork Eco — An alternative to plastic utensils that are fully Plant-Based, dishwasher safe, compost in 2 years, & sustain-ably made (emits one fifth of the greenhouse gases) with the smartest functional design.